
what is a Shopping center?

A shopping center, also known as a shopping mall or simply a mall, is a large enclosed building or c...

what is Retail store?

A retail store, also known as a shop or store, is a physical establishment where products or service...

What is Commercial office building?

A commercial office building is a structure specifically designed and constructed to accommodate mul...

what is Ranch Property?

A ranch property, also known as a ranch, is a type of real estate or landholding typically associate...

what is a Farmhouse?

A farmhouse is a type of house traditionally found in rural or agricultural areas. It is typically c...

what is a Vacation home?

A vacation home, also known as a holiday home or second home, is a property that is owned or rented ...

what is a Mobile home park?

A mobile home park, also known as a manufactured home community or trailer park, is a residential ar...

what is a Manufactured home?

A manufactured home, also known as a mobile home or a trailer home, is a type of prefabricated dwell...


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